You may have noticed recently that it seems everyone is changing their Facebook profile to the American flag. Do you wonder why this is? Deployed airman, who will remain unnamed, noticed all of the controversy going on at home from other flags and couldn’t help but think to himself, “where is Old Glory.” The idea behind the American flag is that it represents unity and our freedom as Americans. It is a symbol of something we can all agree on. The Facebook profile to the American flag app takes your current profile picture and overlay’s the American flag like seen below. The goal is to unite Americans on common ground with the focus being on “United.”
Lets ALL unite as Americans and Celebrate The USA!
To read more of this airmans story on creating this Facebook American Flag app click here
Click below to automatically create your American Flag image
The challenge to change your Facebook profile to the American flag is as follows:
1) Click here to change your Facebook profile to the American flag and leave it as your profile picture for the entire month of July.
(Why the whole month of July is to Celebrate America all month long)
2) Share this post on Facebook
3) Leave a comment on this post encouraging our troops
I think this is a great idea. Thank you for your service Capt. Christopher Lott.
Thank you Ashley!
I want to THANK, ALL the Men, and Women who are serving, Past and Present, to help keep our world FREE !!!
Thank you Donna!